Quest Terms

Quest Terms

These Quest Terms supplement and are part of the terms of use of this website (the “Site Terms”). Any terms defined in the Site Terms shall have the same meaning in these Quest Terms. The provisions of the Site Terms, including but not limited to disclaimers, limitations of liability, and dispute resolution mechanisms, shall apply to these Quest Terms and govern your pursuit of the Quests set out in these Quest Terms from time to time. These Quest Terms were most recently updated on 11th October 2023.

Ethereum Starting Quest

  1. Ethereum Starting Quest: The objective of the Ethereum Starting Quest is for you to complete a set of Ethereum Starting Quest Transactions with your Ethereum Wallet in the manner specified in these Quest Terms under the heading “Ethereum Starting Quest Transactions”. If you successfully complete the Ethereum Starting Quest Transactions, you will become eligible to claim the Ethereum Starting Quest Benefit (as defined under the heading “Ethereum Starting Quest Benefit”) with your Tezos Wallet.

  2. Ethereum Starting Quest Benefit:

    1. If you are an individual of at least 18 years of age who is acting in a private and personal capacity and not as agent for, or on the instruction of, another party, and you have successfully completed the Ethereum Starting Quest, you will be entitled to claim an amount of 3 tez (the “Ethereum Starting Quest Benefit”).

    2. To receive the Ethereum Starting Quest Benefit in your Tezos Wallet you should ensure that you have provided us with accurate information and that you comply with the claim procedures at the Quest Site.

    3. The claim to the Ethereum Starting Quest 1 Benefit is not transferable.

    4. You can only claim the Ethereum Starting Quest Benefit once per Tezos Wallet.

    5. We accept no responsibility or liability for any losses or damages you may incur as a result of your failure to provide accurate information or to comply with the claim procedures at the Quest Site.

  3. Ethereum Starting Quest Transactions: To claim the Ethereum Starting Quest Benefit, you must have (a) spent at least $100 in Ethereum gas fees in the 6 months preceding your claim, and (b) hold at least 0.01 Ether (together, the “Ethereum Starting Quest Transactions”). You must complete the Ethereum Starting Quest Transactions with a single Ethereum Wallet and before the Ethereum Starting Quest Closing Time.

    1. “Ethereum Starting Quest Closing Time” means the earlier of: the time when the Ethereum Starting Quest Allocated Tez Funds are used up, or the 3rd of November 2023.

  4. Verification: We shall determine in our sole and absolute discretion whether you are an eligible claimant and have a valid claim to a Ethereum Starting Quest Benefit. We will use such verification methods as we may deem appropriate from time to time.

  5. Claim your Ethereum Starting Quest Benefit: You must claim your Ethereum Starting Quest Benefit in accordance with the procedures set out on the Quest Site. You must also authorise us to send the Ethereum Starting Quest Benefit to your Tezos Wallet. It is your responsibility to comply with the claim procedures and if you fail to comply, you will not receive the Ethereum Starting Quest Benefit in your Tezos Wallet.

  6. Ethereum Starting Quest Allocated Tez Funds: We have made an allocation of a certain amount of tez to fund Ethereum Starting Quest (the “Ethereum Starting Quest Allocated Tez Funds”). The Ethereum Starting Quest shall be available until the Ethereum Starting Quest Allocated Tez Funds have been used to satisfy Ethereum Starting Quest Benefit claims. We may in our sole and absolute discretion at any time decide to allocate further funds to the Ethereum Starting Quest, but we make no representation nor give any assurance that we will do so, and no liability is accepted for further funding of the Ethereum Starting Quest Allocated Tez Funds.

Kanvas Starting Quest

  1. Kanvas Starting Quest: The objective of the Kanvas Starting Quest is for you to complete a set of Kanvas Starting Quest Transactions with your Tezos Wallet in the manner specified in these Quest Terms under the heading “Kanvas Starting Quest Transactions”. If you successfully complete the Kanvas Starting Quest Transactions, you will become eligible to claim the Kanvas Starting Quest Benefit (as defined under the heading “Kanvas Starting Quest Benefit”) with your Tezos Wallet.

  2. Kanvas Starting Quest Benefit:

    1. If you are an individual of at least 18 years of age who is acting in a private and personal capacity and not as agent for, or on the instruction of, another party, and you have successfully completed the Kanvas Starting Quest, you will be entitled to claim an amount of 3 tez (the “Kanvas Starting Quest Benefit”).

    2. To receive the Kanvas Starting Quest Benefit in your Tezos Wallet you should ensure that you have provided us with accurate information and that you comply with the claim procedures at the Quest Site.

    3. The claim to the Kanvas Starting Quest Benefit is not transferable.

    4. You can only claim the Kanvas Starting Quest Benefit once per Tezos Wallet.

    5. We accept no responsibility or liability for any losses or damages you may incur as a result of your failure to provide accurate information or to comply with the claim procedures at the Quest Site.

  3. Kanvas Starting Quest Transactions: To claim the Kanvas Starting Quest Benefit, you must have spent cumulatively at least $25 on purchases of Tokens from the Kanvas Websites from the 1st of December 2022 until the time of your claim (the “Kanvas Starting Quest Transactions”). You must complete the Kanvas Starting Quest Transactions with a single Tezos Wallet and before the Kanvas Starting Quest Closing Time.

    1. "Kanvas Websites” means together, the Token e-store applications hosted in the following domains :,,, and

    2. “Kanvas Starting Quest Closing Time” means the earlier of: the time when the Kanvas Starting Quest Allocated Tez Funds are used up, or the 3rd of November 2023.

  4. Verification: We shall determine in our sole and absolute discretion whether you are an eligible claimant and have a valid claim to an Kanvas Starting Quest Benefit. We will use such verification methods as we may deem appropriate from time to time.

  5. Claim your Kanvas Starting Quest Benefit: You must claim your Kanvas Starting Quest Benefit in accordance with the procedures set out on the Quest Site. You must also authorise us to send the Kanvas Starting Quest Benefit to your Tezos Wallet. It is your responsibility to comply with the claim procedures and if you fail to comply, you will not receive the Kanvas Starting Quest Benefit in your Tezos Wallet.

  6. Kanvas Starting Quest Allocated Tez Funds: We have made an allocation of a certain amount of tez to fund Kanvas Starting Quest (the “Kanvas Starting Quest Allocated Tez Funds”). The Kanvas Starting Quest shall be available until the Kanvas Starting Quest Allocated Tez Funds have been used to satisfy the Kanvas Starting Quest Benefit claims. We may in our sole and absolute discretion at any time decide to allocate further funds to the Kanvas Starting Quest, but we make no representation nor give any assurance that we will do so, and no liability is accepted for further funding of the Kanvas Starting Quest Allocated Tez Funds.

Quest 1: Register a Tezos Domain

  1. Quest 1: The objective of Quest 1 is for you to complete a set of Quest 1 Transactions with your Tezos Wallet in the manner specified in these Quest Terms under the heading “Quest 1 Transactions”.  If you successfully complete the Quest 1 Transactions, you will become eligible to claim the Quest 1 Benefit (as defined under the heading “Quest 1 Benefit”) with your Tezos Wallet.

  2. Quest 1 Benefit:

    1. If you are an individual of at least 18 years of age who is acting in a private and personal capacity and not as agent for, or on the instruction of, another party, and you have successfully completed Quest 1, you will be entitled to claim an amount of 2 tez (the “Quest 1 Benefit”).

    2. To receive the Quest 1 Benefit in your Tezos Wallet you should ensure that you have provided us with accurate information and that you comply with the claim procedures at the Quest Site.

    3. The claim to the Quest 1 Benefit is not transferable.

    4. You can only claim the Quest 1 Benefit once per Tezos Wallet.

    5. We accept no responsibility or liability for any losses or damages you may incur as a result of your failure to provide accurate information or to comply with the claim procedures at the Quest Site.

  3. Quest 1 Transactions: To claim the Quest 1 Benefit, you must have (a) completed the Ethereum Starting Quest or the Kanvas Starting Quest before their respective Closing Times, and (b) bought a Tezos domain (together, the “Quest 1 Transactions”). You must complete the Quest 1 Transactions with a single Tezos Wallet and before the Quest 1 Closing Time.

    1.  “Quest 1 Closing Time” means the earlier of: the time when the Quest 1 Allocated Tez Funds are used up, or the 3rd of November 2023.

  4. Verification: We shall determine in our sole and absolute discretion whether you are an eligible claimant and have a valid claim to a Quest 1 Benefit. We will use such verification methods as we may deem appropriate from time to time.

  5. Claim your Quest 1 Benefit: You must claim your Quest 1 Benefit in accordance with the procedures set out on the Quest Site. You must also authorise us to send the Quest 1 Benefit to your Tezos Wallet.  It is your responsibility to comply with the claim procedures and if you fail to comply, you will not receive the Quest 1 Benefit in your Tezos Wallet.

  6. Quest 1 Allocated Tez Funds: We have made an allocation of a certain amount of tez to fund Quest 1 (the “Quest 1 Allocated Tez Funds”). Quest 1 shall be available until the Quest 1 Allocated Tez Funds have been used to satisfy Quest 1 Benefit claims.  We may in our sole and absolute discretion at any time decide to allocate further funds to Quest 1, but we make no representation nor give any assurance that we will do so, and no liability is accepted for further funding of the Quest 1 Allocated Tez Funds.

  7. Modifications and Termination: We reserve the right at any time to vary the terms and conditions upon which Quest 1 is made available, or to terminate Quest 1, in our sole and absolute discretion, including, for the avoidance of doubt, to alter, expand, reduce, or replace the Quest 1 Transactions and/or the Quest 1 Benefit. Any such variations to Quest 1 will be communicated through the Quest Site.

Quest 2: Buy an NFT from

  1. Quest 2: The objective of Quest 2 is for you to complete a set of Quest 2 Transactions with your Tezos Wallet  in the manner specified in these Quest Terms under the heading Quest 2 Transactions.  If you successfully complete the Quest 2 Transactions, you will become eligible to claim the Quest 2 Benefit (as defined under the heading “Quest 2 Benefit”) with your Tezos Wallet.

  2. Quest 2 Benefit:

    1. If you are an individual of at least 18 years of age who is acting in a private and personal capacity and not as agent for, or on the instruction of, another party, and you have successfully completed Quest 2 you will be entitled to claim an amount of 5 tez (the “Quest 2 Benefit”).

    2. To receive the Quest 2 Benefit in your Tezos Wallet you should ensure that you have provided us with accurate information and that you follow all steps of the claiming process set out on the Quest Site.

    3. The claim to the Quest 2 Benefit is not transferable.

    4. You can only claim the Quest 2 Benefit once per Tezos Wallet.

    5. We accept no responsibility or liability for any losses or damages you may incur as a result of your failure to provide accurate information or to comply with the claim procedures at the Quest Site.

  3. Quest 2 Transactions: To claim the Quest 2 Benefit, you must have (a) completed the Ethereum Starting Quest or the Kanvas Starting Quest before their respective Closing Times, (b) completed Quest 1 before the Quest 1 Closing Date and (c) bought an NFT on after you completed Quest 1 (together, the “Quest 2 Transactions”). For your claim to be valid, you must complete the Quest 2 Transactions with a single Tezos Wallet and before the Quest 2 Closing Time.

    1. Quest 2 Closing Time” means the earlier of: the time when the Quest 2 Allocated Tez Funds are used up, or the 3rd of November 2023.

  4. Verification: We shall determine in our sole and absolute discretion whether you are an eligible claimant and have a valid claim to a Quest 2 Benefit. We will use such verification methods as we may deem appropriate from time to time. 

  5. Claim your Quest 2 Benefit:  You must claim your Quest 2 Benefit in accordance with the procedures set out on the Quest Site. You must also authorise us to send the Quest 2 Benefit to your Tezos Wallet.  It is your responsibility to comply with the claim procedures and if you fail to comply you will not receive the Quest 2 Benefit in your Tezos Wallet.

  6. Quest 2 Allocated Tez Funds: We have made an allocation of a certain amount of tez to fund Quest 2 (the “Quest 2 Allocated Tez Funds”). Quest 2 shall be available until the Quest 2 Allocated Tez Funds have been used to satisfy Quest 2 Benefit claims.  We may in our sole and absolute discretion at any time decide to allocate further funds to Quest 2 but we make no representation nor give any assurance  that we will do so, and no liability is accepted for further funding of the Quest 2 Allocated Tez Funds.

  7. Modifications and Termination: We reserve the right at any time to vary the terms and conditions upon which Quest 2 is made available, or to terminate Quest 2, in our sole and absolute discretion, including, for the avoidance of doubt, to alter, expand, reduce, or replace the Quest 2 Transactions and/or the Quest 2 Benefit. Any such variations to Quest 2 will be communicated through the Quest Site.